Carpet Repair and Carpet Cleaning in Orem, Utah

Business Hours:

Monday – Friday 8:00 am – 6:00 pm
Saturday 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Sunday Closed
Call Us at 801-520-7852
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Edge Carpet Repair & Cleaning provides a full line of carpet services for your home or business from carpet patching and stretching to carpet cleaning in Orem, Utah and surrounding areas.

Our team is committed to a carefree and cost effective experience where our mission is to provide a high quality service at an affordable price. See below for additional details on the services we offer.

Orem, Utah, Carpet Repair Services

It is rare for the technicians at Edge Carpet Repair & Cleaning these days to see something that has happened to carpet that surprises them. Whether it be pet damage, bleach spills, wine, Kool Aid, oil, paint, slime, silly putty, feces, rust, burns, wax, snagged carpet, or any type of damage that may occur, there is a high possibility that it can be repaired. Using the same tools and materials that are used when seaming carpet together during installation, we can perform a variety of carpet repair techniques that can highly improve the appearance and functionality of the carpet instead of paying to replace it. Obviously, we would need to have matching carpet to use to repair the carpet. If you give us a call, we can work through this process and decide if the repair can be completed. One of the most used techniques to repair these types of carpet damages is called a “Permanently Bonded Section Repair”. This is where we would cut out the damaged area and seam in a new piece of carpet. The tools used to do this are very specific to carpet repair and take time to train and become skilled at performing them at a high level. So, don’t be sad that your new carpet has sustained catastrophic damage and think that you have to leave it damaged until you get new flooring 10 years down the road. Give us a call to set up an appointment with one of our technicians to come out and show off their skills.

Carpet Stretching Services in Orem, Utah

If you have carpet that is wrinkling, bunching, bubbling, buckling, or looks like a family of pythons is having a party underneath there, we can help! First let us explain one of the main reasons this happens. The majority of carpet backings these days are made of latex, (AKA rubber) which expands and contracts when heated or cooled. When installing carpet, the carpet backing needs to be rolled out, given sufficient time to warm up and relax. Then, after all the measurements, cuts, and seams are done, the carpet needs to be stretched into place using what is called a power stretcher. There is a specific pattern that is to be used to stretch the carpet in all directions attaching it to the tack strip along the walls or next to a hard surface. If the carpet is not allowed to warm up and re-lax before the power stretcher is used, or in some cases, if only a knee kicker is used to put the carpet in place, then over about the next 6 months to 2 years, the carpet will slowly warm up and expand on it’s own causing the carpet to push against the walls or the hard surface, resulting in the unsightly wrinkles or buckles. Not only do the wrinkles not look very appealing, but the longer they are left the more damage it does to the carpet. Fortunately, instead of replacing all the carpet for thousands of dollars, it can be fixed for a fraction of the cost replacing!! Our highly trained carpet repair technicians at Edge Carpet Repair & Cleaning can release the carpet from the tack strips, open any seams that might need to be opened to properly re-stretch the carpet, then re-seam any opened areas, cut off the excess carpet, and finally re-lay the carpet minus any wrinkles. One of the first obstacles that needs to be addressed is furniture removal when re-stretching carpet. After that, we just need to figure out the most effective direction to re-stretch the carpet and away we go. Often there is what is called a filtration line that is created on the top of the wrinkle due to traffic on the raised portion of the fiber. This presents as a dark line and raised fibers because of the backing being peaked. Typically, this line will still be present even though the carpet is flat and tight. We recommend having your carpet professionally cleaned after re-stretching carpet to help get rid of the filtration line. Of course, we can take care of carpet cleaning for you also.

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